Sunday, December 2, 2007

#23 Is this really the end? Or just the beginning ...

My Learning 2.0 journey has definitely been worthwhile. I have learnt about many technologies and possibilities I was hitherto unaware of, or not fully aware of. It opened my eyes!

My favourite discoveries were LibraryThing, Bloglines and

Unexpected finds included LibraryThing, social bookmarking and web based applications.

I am inspired to find out more about wikis and podcasts, and take my journeys with LibraryThing, Rollyo, social bookmarking, and web based applications further.

I am awed at the technology out there. I think the possibilities are overwhelming. I look forward to using these technologies in the future.

#22 Audiobooks (or "The end is in sight ")

I was delighted to discover a whole range of free Audio books. This is something our library is already involved in. However such a service is still in its infancy. It will be exciting to see its development.

I like the many different search categories in Project Gutenberg, and how it is easily accessible and free.

I think the technology will suit those who prefer/need audio.

#21 Podcasts, Smodcasts!

I used to search for Podcasts.

I found a Podcast that interests me - Gliding Over Varese.

Library-wise, I found Rachel's Reviews. I added it to my Bloglines account. It was interesting to see the many different Podcast out there. I am excited by such great variety.

The Book Reviews would be of interest to Library borrowers. I think Podcasts could be used not only for Book Reviews and Latest News, but also a summary of Books and Series.

Podcasts are user friendly for those with hearing. I think there may be great potential for our library, being a library for the print handicapped, with many users already dependent on audio material and familiar with it.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

#20 You too can YouTube

I like the different categories, channels and community. I like how it lists views and ratings.

I do not like it garish presentation or the advertisements. I do not like how the videos always have to stop every little while.

I chose the video Embarcadero Blues by Goh Nakamura as I am an amateur guitarist and singer, and admire anyone who can do the two to a high standard, and combine them so well.

I think videos could be useful on library websites as an outreach tool. Maybe staff could record presentations or skills sessions.

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

I looked at the Web 2.0 Awards and found the site 'Findory'. This site searches for information in different publications, with a subscription option. I like how it gives the user different types of media options to search, how it is nicely laid out, has a large search box, and is light.

One of it useful features tells you how many articles you have viewed, searches you have performed, and how many favourites you have.

People in libraries may use this to keep tabs on any issue that interests them.

#18 Web-based Apps: They're not just for desktops

I learnt about web based applications, a new concept to me. I was pleased to learn of their existence, and think they have potential to help many people. I learnt how one can do many things with web-based applications – including word processing, spreadsheets, wikis, presentations, databases – on the web. I learnt how they can be accessed from multiple user points (good for multi-site use and commenting from different parties), and how they be shared. I learnt how they use tags, and can even be posted to blogs. And each application has many different features to make each document individualized.

#17 Playing around with PBWiki

I learnt how to add an entry to the sandbox wiki. I found it very exciting to be able to add something to an international site.